The Warriors are coming! Registration

The Warriors are coming!
After the great success of the SSA greeting Les Fadas of Toulon, the Fez Club at Allianz Park will once more be made available to welcome supporters from the Glasgow Warriors supporters club - The XVIth Warrior - on Saturday, 1 April. This event is free but open to SSA members only.
Places for this event are limited - APPLY NOW
Note: after registration, your place(s) will be confirmed by email. Registration will be closed as soon as possible after the guest list is full, however, there will be a period between the guest limit being reached and registration closing. If you register during this time, you will be advised by email that your request has been successful. We apologise in advance for anyone this affects.
Details of the event are ...
Doors open at 5 pm
Cash bar and food available - the legendary Fez Club curry
Munster v Toulouse on the big screen
SSA v XVIth Warrior quiz
Remember, you have to register to attend. Don't delay - do it today!