Win signed shirts, theatre vouchers or maybe even an obble in the SSA raffle

We like to be inclusive at the SSA so, just because you can't make it to our Quiz and Curry on 22 November, don't think you can't take part in the raffle.
The prizes on offer are:
A signed 2017/18 home shirt
Tom Whiteley's 2016/17 shirt
A cricket shirt signed by Toby Roland-Jones
£100 theatre vouchers
4-ball at Essendon Golf Club
Tower of London family pass
The last, yes very last SSA Obble - this is the one that everyone wants!
To buy tickets:
Log in to PayPal
Select Pay or send money then Send money to friends and family
Enter in the details box then click Next
Enter the amount you are sending - tickets are £5 per strip
In the Add a note box add "Raffle tickets for <your name> <contact number>"
Good luck!