Ospreys tickets - Saturday, 13 January

We have had over 160 reservations filling all of our original block in EU8 and a large part of WU5. If you have reserved tickets but haven’t yet confirmed you’ll be taking them please do so.
Our allocation closes on Wednesday, 3 January when we will be ordering the tickets so payment is needed by 2 January at the latest.
We have no home match after 3 January so will distribute the tickets either at Wasps, at Ospreys or by post (please add £1 to your payment). We will keep you informed.
The price structure is:
Adult - £25
Senior - £20
U16 - £15
Student - £20
Please confirm your order by email to tickets.ssa@outlook.com.
Payment Instructions
Payment should be made to our PayPal account using the address
Important points to note
Please use the friends and family option when using PayPal.
It is crucial when making payments that you include in the narrative the match, the number of tickets and the categories they fall into e.g. Ospreys 2 x Adult 1 x U16 1 x Senior.